MED600 : Mediation

Mediation and dispute resolution are rapidly growing fields of study and sought after skills in the workplace. This comprehensive course provides the core skill sets necessary for the practice of mediation.As it becomes more and more apparent that individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities and nations must begin to work together in peaceful ways for the common good, mediation and dispute resolution are poised to become increasingly popular. In mediation, a neutral third party, termed a mediator, works with both sides of a dispute to have them agree on their own terms, without someone else deciding what is best for them. Students are guided through stages of mediation and how these stages apply to actual case studies of mediation. Students are offered an overview of the nature of conflict and differing styles of human interaction and are asked to explore their unique style of engaging or avoiding conflict and how this might affect their role as a mediator. The course presents an overview of theories of conflict and power, influences of gender and culture and how each helps inform a mediator's interventions. The important skill set of negotiation, including how to apply negotiation techniques, the critical issue of timing, and caucuses and other techniques to deal with impasses in the mediation are presented. The course covers the standards and ethics of this growing profession. Students learn core people skills such as reflective listening, impartiality, reframing, effective communication, and the handling of critical moments.



Credit Hours