Lakewood University’s Office of Disability Services provides reasonable accommodations to all students with disabilities in order to help them achieve their academic goals. Lakewood University complies and adheres to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. Lakewood University does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its admission, recruitment, academics, research, or employment assistance processes. Lakewood University promotes an environment of respect and support for individuals with disabilities.
Students are responsible for disclosing disability information and requesting accommodation, in accordance with University requirements. Students who need assistance, even on a temporary basis, are encouraged to utilize the services available through the Office of Disability Services. For more information please contact Jim Gepperth at
Request for Accommodation Based on Documented Disability
If you are requesting accommodation based on a disability, please make your request in writing using the Lakewood University Disability Disclosure Form to disclose your disability in accordance with University requirements. Accommodations are authorized by Disability Services staff through an interactive process, which may include a combination of the student’s account of disability or its impact, observations of the Disability Services staff member, and supporting documentation provided by the student.
Please understand that accommodations are not retroactive, and the determination of reasonable accommodation resides with Disability Services staff.
Lakewood University requirements for documentation are based on the Best Practices published by Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD).