GED Preparation Program – GED

This on-line GED preparatory course is designed to enable each student to implement competency and mastery in the 6 areas of skill and knowledge that are tested on the GED: reading, language arts, language arts/essay, math, science, and social studies. This on-line course consists of these 6 subject areas and their corresponding instruction modules and assignments. Based on the student’s TABE scores, he or she will be prescribed specific modules, assignments, quizzes, and exams in order to tailor the program to the student’s needs. After successful completion of all required on-line assignments, the student will take the 5 GED practice tests that are offered within this on-line program and demonstrate skill mastery indicative of readiness to pass the GED.

Program Outcomes

  • Learn about the GED testing process
  • Encourage positive study habits and independence with education
  • Learn reading strategies which will be buildable throughout the remainder of the course
  • Learn appropriate mathematical skills such as calculator functions, algebra, and percentages
  • Learn historical social studies-related events, topics, and significant dates
  • Learn the scientific method and explain formulas
  • Construct a thoughtful essay with proper grammar, revision, and editing
  • Interpret various forms of writing
Item #
Credit Hours
Sub-Total Credit Hours
Total credits:




Program Length

Up to 12 months