Strategic Brand Management

Department Mission Statement

Business Studies Department Mission Statement

Aligning with the Lakewood University mission, our innovative business programs will prepare learners to work as valuable managers and leaders in their respective workplaces, facilitating change for the benefit of the organization, its stakeholders, and society.

STBM400 — Strategic Brand Management, 3.0 hours


Brand building is a very difficult task and hence it requires a strategic plan in advance. This is where Strategic brand management steps in. In this course, students will learn to take the brand equity of the company to new heights through sequential steps which add value to the brand and ultimately.

Program Objectives

  1. Define branding explain what brand equity is, why branding is important, and understand the steps in the strategic brand monument process.
  2. Explain brand resonance, brand value chain, customer equity and identify brand elements.
  3. Explain value pricing, direct and indirect channels, growth in private labels, and communications in marketing.
  4. Explain eight main ways to leverage secondary associations, the process by which a brand can leverage secondary associations, and the key tactical issues in leveraging secondary associations from different entities.
  5. Identify effective qualitative research techniques for tapping into consumer brand knowledge, as well as for measuring brand awareness, image, responses, and relationships.
  6. Explain brand architecture, brand portfolio, brand hierarchy, the difference in corporate and product brand, and marketing and green marketing.
  7. Explain brand reinforcement, brand revitalization, as well as brand awareness and image. Understand global brand, and the strategic steps in developing global brand positioning
  8. Explain the six future brand imperatives, the ten criteria for the brand report card, and the seven deadly sins of brand management.



Lisette M. Negron currently resides in Arlington, VA. She joined the military when she was 18, served 4 years active duty and 11 years, and counting as a reservist. Over the course of her career, she has served as a Human Resources professional. She has been responsible for the overall training and development of hundreds of civilian employees and soldiers, managers, and supervisors. These developmental trainings consist of day-to-day operations, programs processes, HR systems trainings, and successful completion of HR management certifications. HR departments oversee various aspects of employment, such as compliance with labor laws and employment standards, administration of employee benefits, and some aspects of recruitment. As a reservist, she is the Health Sciences HR Officer for a Medical Ground Ambulance company, where she manages all areas of operations, staffing, logistics, training, and work-life balance. 

Ms. Negron completed her Doctorate degree in Business Administration with a concentration in HR Management and holds a graduate certificate in Health Care Administration. 

She looks forward to being a part of this journey as your instructor. 

Online Support (IT) and Moodle Navigation

Online Support (IT) and Moodle Navigation:

All members of the Lakewood College community who use the College’s computing, information or communication resources must act responsibly. Support is accessible by calling 1-800-517-0857 option 2 or by emailing

Books and Resources

Books and Resources

Strategic Brand Management 4e ; Kevin Lane Keller

Evaluation Method

Evaluation Method

Graded work will receive a numeric score reflecting the quality of performance.
Course Requirement Summary

  • Assignments - Total of 60 Points
  • Weekly discussion forums-Total of 80 Points
  • Final Exam - 50 Points


Grading Scale

Grading Scale

Graded work will receive a numeric score reflecting the quality of performance as given above in evaluation methods. The maximum number of points a student may earn is 190. To determine the final grade, the student's earned points are divided by 190.

Your overall course grade will be determined according to the following scale:

A = (90% -100%)
B = (80% - 89%)
C = (70% - 79%)
F < (Below 70%)

Writing Assignment Grading Rubric

Assignment and Discussion Forum Post Rubrics

Writing Assignment Grading Rubric


10-9 pts

8-6 pts

5-3 pts

Very Poor
2-1 pts

No Response
0 pts

Original Posting


Writing assignment was well thought out, coherent, and thoughtfully organized with all parts of the questions addressed along with appropriate

grammar and spelling

Writing was clear and relatively well organized and responded to many/most of the key points with a few mistakes in regard to grammar and spelling

Writing was somewhat confusing and not well organized and had little or no focus on the subject matter with significant grammar and spelling errors

Writing is confusing and hard to follow with no organization while missing the point of the assignment entirely

No Assignment

Total Points


Additional Comments:

Discussion Question Grading Rubric

Discussion Question Grading Rubric


Excellent Pass

Good Pass

Poor Fail

No Response Fail

Original Posting


Original post reflected good focus to the discussion with well thought out ideas and appropriate grammar and spelling

Original post responded to the topic in a general fashion but failed to organize them well and had a few mistakes in regard to grammar and spelling

Responded with little or no focus to the discussion and contained short, irrelevant and/or confusing commentary with significant grammar and spelling errors

No posting

Reply to fellow student


Response to fellow student reflected good focus to the post with well thought out ideas and appropriate grammar and spelling

Response to fellow student in a general fashion but failed to organize them well and had a few mistakes in regard to grammar and spelling

Little or no focus to the post and contained short, irrelevant and/or confusing commentary with significant grammar and spelling errors

No posting

Total Points


Additional Comments:

Academic Integrity/ Plagiarism

Academic Integrity/ Plagiarism:

Cheating (dishonestly taking the knowledge of another person whether on a test or an assignment and presenting it as your work) and plagiarism (to take and pass off as one's own the ideas or writing of another) are a serious issue. While it is legitimate to talk to others about your assignments and incorporate suggestions, do not let others "write" your assignments in the name of peer review or "borrow" sections or whole assignments written by others. We do get ideas from life experiences and what we read but be careful that you interpret these ideas and make them your own.

I am aware that many types of assignments are available on the internet and will check these sources when there is legitimate suspicion.

Penalty is a zero on the assignment. In cases where there is a major or continuous breach of trust, further discipline, such as an "F" in the course, may be necessary.

The major consequence of any form of cheating is damage to your character and the result of trust and respect.

Disability Accommodations

Disability Accommodations

Students who have a disability and wish to request an academic accommodation should contact Jim Gepperth, the Disabilities Services Coordinator and Academic Dean. The student can request an accommodation at any time although it is encouraged to do so early in the enrollment process. The student should complete an accommodation request form which begins a conversation between the school and the student regarding the nature of their disability and an accommodation that would help the student succeed in their program. The school may request documentation regarding the disability to address the accommodation request effectively. The school will communicate to the student the type of accommodation arranged. This process typically follows a team approach, bringing together persons from the academic department (including the instructor) and personnel from other departments as necessary. Additional information on disability accommodations may be found in the Lakewood University Catalog.

Disability Services Email:

Supplemental Texts

Supplemental Texts

You can use the following resources to assist you with proper source citation. 

American Psychological Association Style Guide-

The Purdue OWL website is also a helpful resource for students. Here is a link to the OWL website:




Mary O'Dell is the Librarian on staff at Lakewood University

She is available by appointment. You can make an appointment with her by emailing her at or call at 1-800-517-0857 X 730

You may also schedule a meeting at this link:

She can assist you with navigating LIRN, research, citations etc.



Each student at Lakewood University is assigned a Success Coach. Your Success Coach exists to assist you with academic and supportive services as you navigate your program. They will reach out to you, often, to check-in. Please use the resources they offer.

Student Services is available to assist with technical questions regarding Lakewood University and all services available to you.

1-800-517-0857 option 2

Career Services

Career Services

Students are offered Career Services at any point as they journey their academics at Lakewood University.

1-800-517-0857 option 2


  1. Define branding explain what brand equity is, why branding is important, and understand the steps in the strategic brand monument process.
  2. Explain brand resonance, brand value chain, customer equity and identify brand elements.
  3. Explain value pricing, direct and indirect channels, growth in private labels, and communications in marketing.
  4. Explain eight main ways to leverage secondary associations, the process by which a brand can leverage secondary associations, and the key tactical issues in leveraging secondary associations from different entities.
  5. Identify effective qualitative research techniques for tapping into consumer brand knowledge, as well as for measuring brand awareness, image, responses, and relationships.
  6. Explain brand architecture, brand portfolio, brand hierarchy, the difference in corporate and product brand, and marketing and green marketing.
  7. Explain brand reinforcement, brand revitalization, as well as brand awareness and image. Understand global brand, and the strategic steps in developing global brand positioning
  8. Explain the six future brand imperatives, the ten criteria for the brand report card, and the seven deadly sins of brand management.


Lesson #1
Course Topic
  • The World of Advertising & Integrated Brand Promotion (IBP)
  • The Structure of the Advertising & Promotion Industry: Advertisers, Agencies, Media, & Support Organizations
  • The History of Advertising & Brand Promotion

Study Course Syllabus
Read Chapters 1, 2 & 3
Participate in the Discussion Forum
Complete Assignment 1
Lesson Evaluation

Assignment 1 upon completion of the lesson
Objective 1
Lesson #2
Course Topic
  • Social, Ethical, and Regulatory Aspects of Advertising & Promotion
  • Advertising, Integrated Brand Promotion, and Consumer Behavior
  • Market Segmentation, Positioning, and the Value Proposition

Read Chapters 4, 5 & 6
Participate in the Discussion Forum
Lesson Evaluation

Objective 2
Lesson #3
Course Topic
  • Advertising Research
  • Planning Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion
  • Managing Creativity in Advertising & Integrated Brand Promotion

Read Chapters 7, 8 & 9
Participate in the Discussion Forum
Complete Assignment 2
Lesson Evaluation

Assignment 2 upon completion of the lesson
Objective 3
Lesson #4
Course Topic
  • Creative Message Strategy
  • Executing the Creative
  • Media Planning Essentials

Read Chapters 10, 11 & 12
Participate in the Discussion Forum
Lesson Evaluation

Objective 4
Lesson #5
Course Topic
  • Media Planning: Newspapers, Magazines, TV, & Radio
  • Media Planning: Advertising and IBP in Digital, Social, and Mobile Media
  • Sales Promotion, Point-of-Purchase Advertising, and Support Media

Read Chapters 13, 14 & 15
Participate in the Discussion Forum
Lesson Evaluation

Objective 5
Lesson #6
Course Topic
  • The Structure of the Advertising and Promotion Industry: Advertisers, Agencies, Media, & Support Organizations

Read Chapter 16
Participate in the Discussion Forum
Lesson Evaluation

Assignment upon completion of the lesson
Objective 6
Lesson #7
Course Topic
  • Integrating Direct Marketing & Personal Selling

Read Chapter 17
Participate in the Discussion Forum
Complete Assignment 3
Lesson Evaluation

Assignment 3 upon completion of the lesson
Objective 7
Lesson #8
Course Topic
  • Public Relations, Influencer Marketing & Corporate Advertising

Read Chapter 18
Participate in the Discussion Forum
Complete the Final Exam
Request the Next Course
Lesson Evaluation

Final exam upon completion of the lesson




Contact Information

Contact Information


Cell Phone: 1.800.517.0857 ext. 775