Academic Policies & Procedures

The faculty and staff at Lakewood University wish to ensure the academic success of all our students. Therefore, Lakewood University has created various policies and procedures for the purpose of helping students meet their academic goals. While distance education allows for flexibility in learning, Lakewood University adheres to the following policies and procedures to help our students adequately progress through their academic program of choice:

Regular and Substantive Interaction

As a university entrusted with administering federal financial aid funds, Lakewood ensures that all instructors engage in what is commonly referred to as “regular and substantive interaction” with students.

This language, taken directly from statute, was adopted by the federal government to govern how distance education is administered. But what sort of interactions are considered to be “regular and substantive”? See the table below:



  • Providing the opportunity for substantive interactions with the student on a predictable and scheduled basis commensurate with the length of time and the amount of content in the course or competency.

  • Monitoring the student's academic engagement and success and ensuring that an instructor is responsible for promptly and proactively engaging in substantive interaction with the student when needed based on such monitoring, or upon request by the student (Distance Education and Innovation, 2020, pg. 54809).

• Engaging students in teaching, learning, and assessment, consistent with the content under discussion, Includes at least two of the following:

 - Providing direct instruction.
 - Assessing or providing feedback on a student's coursework.
 - Providing information or responding to questions about the content of a course or competency.

  • Facilitating a group discussion regarding the content of a course or competency.

  • Other instructional activities approved by the institution's or program's accrediting agency (Distance Education and Innovation, 2020, pg. 54809).

Grading Policy


Lakewood University faculty are required to post a student’s grades within seven (7) days of assignment submission, and within seven days of the course completion date. Afterwards, students will be able to log-on to the student portal and view their student gradebook. The gradebook report indicates the date of assignment submission, date of exam completion, date of assignment feedback and feedback comments, courses taken, credits received, and the grades assigned. No grades will be given to a student over the phone. If a student has a past due balance on their account, Lakewood University will not release the student’s grades until the account is satisfied.


Minimum Cumulative GPAs

In order to successfully graduate from Lakewood University, a student must meet the following minimum GPA requirements:

  • Vocational Clock Hour Programs = 2.00
  • Undergraduate Degree and Certificate Programs = 2.00
  • Graduate Degree and Certificate Programs = 3.00


Grading Scale and Equivalents

Lakewood University has established the following grading scale. This grade scale is used both for individual assignments as well as the final course grade.





Quality Points

Grade Scale






















Grading Criteria

A = Excellent

The student has demonstrated a thorough understanding of the content and skills presented in the course and consistently initiates thoughtful questions and can see many sides of an issue. The student is an excellent writer. He or she also integrates ideas throughout the course and as appropriate from previously completed courses in a program. The student writes logically and clearly.


B = Good

The student writes logically and clearly. The student maintains consistent performance and understanding of course content with minimal errors.



C = Satisfactory

The C student demonstrates a mediocre comprehension of the skills and subject matter included in the course and accomplishes only the minimum requirements, while displaying little or no initiative.


D = Below average

The student’s performance is barely acceptable. A number of assignments are missing and there is not even a minimal understanding of course content.


F = Failing

Quality and quantity of work is unacceptable.

Minimum Grades (Degree Programs)

In core degree courses, if a student receives a grade lower than a “C” they will need to retake the course.

In general education degree courses, students who receive a grade of “F” will need to retake the course. 

Grading Criteria

A = Excellent

B = Good

C = Satisfactory

D = Poor

F = Failure

I = Incomplete Coursework will have a designed Incomplete status when the course has ended, but a final grade has not been assigned. Students are allotted 150% of the course length to complete their course. For example, if a student takes a 6-month program with us, they are allowed 9 months to complete. Students are issued an ‘I’ if they do not complete during the course length, they have until the end of their 150% period to achieve a grade in the course.

W = Withdrawal
Students who officially withdraw before the final withdrawal deadline will receive a “W.” A “W” is not calculated into the GPA. If the student does not withdraw prior to the final withdrawal deadline, his/her grade will be calculated as points earned divided by total course points and the grade is calculated into the GPA.

AC = Administrative Cancellation
Administrative cancellation refers to a student course cancellation that is initiated by the institution. Administrative Cancellations commonly apply to coursework that has not begun. Lakewood University may cancel students from courses for reasons which include but are not limited to:
• Not satisfying a course prerequisite
• Outstanding tuition
• Plagiarism
• Computer tampering

Students who are administratively canceled from the identified course(s) will receive the grade of AC on their academic record. The AC grade has no effect on the student’s academic GPA. The student will be notified of the Administrative Cancellation to their primary email from the Office of the Registrar.

AW = Administrative Withdrawal
Administrative withdrawal refers to a student course withdrawal that is initiated by the institution. Administrative Withdrawals commonly apply to coursework that has already begun. Lakewood University may withdraw students from courses for reasons which include but are not limited to:
• Failing to participate in classes
• Not satisfying a course perquisite
• “Dropping out” in the middle of a term
• Plagiarism
• Computer tampering

Students who are administratively withdrawn from the identified course(s) will receive the grade of AW on their academic record. The AW grade has no effect on the student’s academic GPA. The student will be notified of the Administrative Withdrawal to their primary email from the Office of the Registrar.

IP = In Progress Coursework will have a designed In Progress status while the course is in progress (during the course start and end dates). No quality points are assigned to In Progress coursework and there is no associated GPA. Grades are issued at the completion of each assignment. A final grade is issued upon completion of the entire program.

Course Progression

Both the Vocational Programs and Degree programs feature courses which are broken up by lesson. Students are encouraged to complete each lesson in chronological order. Information in each lesson build as the course progresses. Therefore, in order for students to reach their full academic potential, students should complete each lesson in chronological order. For example, students should complete lesson 1 in full before beginning lesson 2 and then complete lesson 2 in full before beginning lesson 3, so on and so forth. All Lakewood University programs require at least one course activity per week.

Unsatisfactory Academic Performance and Repeating a Class

Degree Students

If a student earns a grade lower than a “C” in any core course, or a grade of “F” in any general education course, that course must be repeated, and the student must earn a passing grade of “C” or above. Repeating the course does not remove the previous unsatisfactory grade from the student’s transcript but it does remove it from the calculation of the student’s G.P.A.

Upon repeating a course, the student will be required to pay the full course tuition at the current applicable tuition rate. Students will only be permitted to repeat a course one (1) time; unless approved by the Academic Dean due to extenuating circumstances. Students may repeat no more than four (4) different courses for the duration of their academic program.

Vocational Students

If a student earns a grade lower than a “C” (69% or lower) in any non-degree program, the student will be required to re-enroll in the program and receive a “C” (70% or higher) or higher to become eligible for graduation. The student must pay the full program tuition at the current applicable tuition rate. Repeating the course does not remove the previous unsatisfactory grade from the student’s transcript but it does remove it from the calculation of the student’s G.P.A.

Grade Appeal Policy

Faculty assigned grades may not be appealed. However, if a student believes a grade was incorrectly posted, the student may appeal for a review in writing to the Dean. Appeals must be received within 60 days of the grade posting. The Dean's review will be final, and either result in no action (confirmation that the grade posted is accurate based on the Faculty grade assignment), or a correction to the grade in accordance with the Faculty assignment. 

Dean’s List Policies

Students in Degree Programs

Each Associate Degree program consists of several academic terms. A student may be eligible to make the Dean’s List four times if they meet the requirements. A student must obtain a Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) of 3.6 or higher on a 4.0 scale to be eligible to make the Dean’s List upon completion of every 12 credit hours. The student must also complete each term in the allotted time given at their start date.

Student in Non-Degree Programs

Certificate and Diploma level students can be eligible to make the Dean’s list twice if all requirements are met. Students must complete the first half of their program with a G.P.A. of 90% or higher average.  In order to make the list twice, the student must finish the second half of their program with a G.P.A. of 90% or higher and complete their program within the allotted time given at their start date. **The Dean’s list is announced once a month for eligible students. **

Graduating With Honors

Undergraduate Programs

Graduation with Latin Honors

Students pursuing bachelor’s degrees who demonstrate high levels of scholarship throughout their undergraduate years will graduate with Latin honors. To graduate with this recognition at Lakewood University, students must achieve one of the following criteria:

  • Earn a minimum 60 credit hours at Lakewood and earn a minimum 3.500 Lakewood GPA; or
  • Earn at least 30 but fewer than 60 credit hours at Lakewood and earn a minimum 3.500 Lakewood GPA and earn a minimum 3.500 transfer GPA

There are three levels of Latin honors at graduation with a bachelor’s degree:

  • Cum laude — Student has earned a Lakewood GPA of 3.500 to 3.699.
  • Magna cum laude — Student has earned a Lakewood GPA of 3.700 to 3.899.
  • Summa cum laude  — Student has earned a Lakewood GPA of 3.900 to 4.000.

The Lakewood GPA for determining Latin honors is calculated from all grades earned in undergraduate courses at Lakewood University, including original grades forgiven and/or recalculated under other policies.

Honor citations are inscribed on diplomas as follows: cum laude, magna cum laude and summa cum laude.

Graduation with Distinction

Students pursuing associate degrees who demonstrate high levels of scholarship throughout their coursework will graduate “with distinction.” To graduate with this recognition, students must achieve the following criteria:

  • Earn a minimum 30 credit hours at Lakewood University, and
  • Earn a minimum 3.500 Lakewood University GPA

A Lakewood GPA is calculated from all grades earned in undergraduate courses at Lakewood University, including original grades forgiven and/or recalculated under other policies. The GPA used to determine the “with distinction” designation is extended to three decimal places and not rounded up.

Vocational / Certificate Programs

Students pursuing a vocational diploma, undergraduate certificate, or graduate certificate who demonstrate high levels of scholarship throughout their coursework will graduate “with distinction.” To graduate with this recognition, students must achieve the following criteria:

  • Meet all graduation requirements of the program and
  • Earn a minimum 3.500 Lakewood University GPA


Proctored Exams & Other Assessments

Lakewood University provides proctoring services for all final exams for degree courses. These services are provided to students to complete their proctored exam from the comfort of their own home. When students are ready to take their final exam, please follow the instructions in your course or contact our Student Services Department for instructions to proceed.

If a student does not want to use the Lakewood University proctoring service, any additional fees for proctoring will be at the student’s expense. If the student wishes to use another proctor please contact the Student Services Department at 1-800-517-0857 option 2 to have the proctor candidate complete the “Proctor Nomination Form.” The proctor will need to become qualified and approved prior to administering the final exam. Please submit the required form within 2 weeks of scheduling the final proctored exam. Failure to complete this request will result in a delay in taking the final exam.

Exam Retake Policy

Non-Degree Programs

If a student receives a letter grade of “D” or lower (69% or lower) on any exam or assignment in a non-degree program, the student must retake the failed exam or assignment until they receive a passing grade of “C” or higher (70% or higher), at the discretion of the professor. When retaking an exam or assignment in a non-degree program, the maximum grade a student can receive on the exam or assignment is a “C” (70%)—regardless of whether or not the student earned a higher grade on the retake.

Degree Programs

Lakewood University does NOT permit any students in a degree program to retake exams and assignments. If a student receives a letter grade of “D” or lower (69% or lower), the grade will stand and remain as is.

Program Completion Policy

Lakewood University requires students to progress through their program in a timely manner. Timely manner is defined as taking no more than 1.5 times the program length to complete the course requirements.  i.e.: a 10 month program must be completed in 1.5 x 10 months = 15 months.


Students that exceed their program completion date, but do not request an extension within their contract termination period, will be required to re-enroll in order to complete their academic program.

Re-Enrollment for Previously Dismissed and/or Suspended Students

Stipulations for re-enrollment of a student that was dismissed by Lakewood University are determined on a case-by-case basis. Stipulations for re-enrollment will be conveyed to the student at the time of dismissal.


Students who fail to complete their program within the designated period may request a one-time complimentary extension. Veteran students, that receive VA (Veterans Affairs) benefits, must note that a program extension does not extend the period of their educational benefits. Extension requests must be submitted to the student success team and are evaluated by the team on a case-by-case basis.

Leave of Absence

The faculty and staff at Lakewood University understand that sometimes life requires a student to take a temporary leave from their studies. If a student finds it necessary to take a temporary reprieve from their studies they may request a leave of absence for a maximum of ninety (90) days. In order to request a leave of absence a student must submit the request in writing prior to starting the leave of absence. All requests must be submitted to and approved by the Academic Dean. Requests cannot exceed ninety (90) days in a twelve (12) month period. Failure to return from the leave of absence within the approved time may result in student dismissal. Lakewood University will notify the Veteran Administration office of any approved request for veteran students. Veteran students are encouraged to contact the Veteran Administration office to ensure that their veteran benefits will not be affected by the leave of absence.

Student Dismissal

Students who: (1) fail to adhere to Lakewood University’s academic standing policy; (2) fail to pay their tuition; (3) or fail to follow Lakewood University’s policies, procedures, or bylaws; or do not follow the required course progression policy, will be dismissed from Lakewood University.

Procedure for Seeking Reinstatement upon Dismissal

Petition for Reinstatement: Any student who has been dismissed from Lakewood University may petition the Academic Dean in writing for reinstatement within three (3) days of the date on the notice of dismissal. The Academic Dean will present the petition to the ethics committee for review. The Ethics Committee shall grant such petition for reinstatement only if, in the judgment of the Ethics Committee: (1) the evidence indicates that the student was not guilty of the infraction he/she was charged with; (2) or in case of an academic dismissal, the evidence indicates that the student has a substantial likelihood of academic success.

What Should a Student put in their Petition?

The Petition should contain a statement of any circumstances or misunderstandings that contributed to the dismissal and whether these circumstances still exist. In the case of academic dismissals, the petition may include any matter that supports an assessment of an acceptable performance in the continued study of the students program.

Clock Hour Policy

At Lakewood University, a clock hour is based on an amount of time, level and value of work in which a student engages in activities leading to intended learning outcomes established and measured by Lakewood University faculty as evidence of student achievement.

In an online class, the student is an active participant each week and evaluation of a student’s understanding of course content is based on her/ his daily involvement rather than a single event such as a mid-term or final project/ exam. Online students are expected to be actively and creatively engaged in the entire learning process. Indeed one of the great benefits of online courses is the time provided to students to reflect on what they are learning. Typically, the entire course’s lessons are available, allowing students to ponder the readings and discussion questions, conduct additional research to support a particular week’s topic, and write and revise response to class assignments and discussions.

A clock hour is defined as a 60-minute span of time, with no less than 50 minutes of actual class engagement, required for the typical student to progress through the course material.

Credit Hour Policy

At Lakewood University, a credit hour is based on an amount of time, level and value of work in which a student engages in activities leading to intended learning outcomes established and measured by Lakewood University faculty as evidence of student achievement. In an online class, the student is an active participant each week and evaluation of a student’s understanding of course content is based on her/ his daily involvement rather than a single event such as a mid-term or final project/ exam. Online students are expected to be actively and creatively engaged in the entire learning process. Indeed, one of the great benefits of online courses is the time provided to students to reflect on what they are learning. Typically, the entire course’s lessons are available, allowing students to ponder the readings and discussion questions, conduct additional research to support a particular week’s topic, and write and revise response to class assignments and discussions.

Credit-bearing distance learning courses are measured by the learning outcomes normally achieved through 45 hours of student work for one semester credit. One/ credit/ semester hour is 15 hours of academic engagement and 30 hours or preparation. This formula is typically referred to as a Carnegie unit and is used by the American Council on Education in its Credit Recommendation Evaluative Criteria. 

Student work includes direct or indirect faculty instruction. Academic engagement may include, but is not limited to, submitting an academic assignment, listening to class lectures or webinars (synchronous or asynchronous), taking an exam, an interactive tutorial, or computer-assisted instruction, attending a study group that is assigned by the institution, contributing to an online academic discussion initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course and laboratory work, externship or internship. Preparation is typically homework, such as reading and study time, and completing assignments and projects. Therefore, a 3-semester credit hour course would require 135 clock hours (45 hours of academic engagement and 90 hours of preparation).

Graduation Requirements

To earn an associate degree from Lakewood University, a student must meet the following requirements:

  • Student must complete 60/63 credit hours applicable to their degree program.
  • Student must complete at least 15 courses, or 45 credit hours, with Lakewood University.
  • Student must earn a grade point average of 2.0 or higher.
  • Student must meet all of their financial obligations with Lakewood University by paying their balance in full.

To earn a diploma or certificate from Lakewood University, a student must meet the following requirements:

  • Student must earn a grade point average of 70% or higher.
  • Student must meet all of their financial obligations with Lakewood University by paying their balance in full.

Graduation Ceremony

Administrative graduations take place every Friday throughout the year, for students that have met the requirements. Virtual graduation ceremonies are held quarterly. We provide the graduates with a link, to attend the virtual ceremony. For more information about the graduation ceremony contact Student Services.

Career Services/Placement

Lakewood University provides job placement assistance after graduation. Students may find helpful employment and career information posted on the Career Services page within the student portal. Lakewood University can also assist graduates with resume preparation, interviewing assistance, networking, career advising, and job search techniques.

Library Services

Lakewood University provides access to online library resources and services that assist students to meet the objectives of their program through Library and Information Resources Network (LIRN). The LIRN consortium allows access to online databases that include information related to Lakewood University’s course offerings. Subjects include Business, Criminal Justice, Health Management, Information Technology, Arts, History and Humanities among others. The databases include a variety of sources including academic journals, magazines, newspapers, books and multimedia. The LIRN search engine allows students to search all Library and Information Resources Network as well as the fast case legal library products. Students access these library resources utilizing the PIN provided within the course through

Change of Contact Information

It is the responsibility of the student to inform Lakewood University of any changes in their contact information. In the event that a student moves, or changes their primary residence, that student should contact our Student Services Department at 800-517-0857 Option 2 or so Lakewood University can update the student’s information.

Student Identification Numbers

Every student at Lakewood University is assigned a student identification number. These numbers are used for administrative and identification purposes. Any student found to be abusing these numbers for falsifying their identity will be immediately dismissed from Lakewood University.

Students Records & Privacy Policy

The Ohio Board of Career Colleges and Schools requires the University to maintain student records for a period of five (5) years after final enrollment, with exception of the student's permanent transcript, which is maintained indefinitely.

Lakewood University’s policy regarding confidentiality complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which affords student certain rights with respect to their education records, a summary of which follows:

Students have the following rights in regards to their academic records:

  1. The right to inspect and review their education records within 45 days from the day Lakewood University receives a request for access.
  2. The right to request the amendment of their education records that they believes are inaccurate.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in their education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
    **One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. School officials are individuals or entities working for or on the behalf of the educational institution. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. In compliance with FERPA guidelines, Lakewood University may disclose education records without consent to officials of another school, upon request, in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the US Department of Education concerning alleged failure by Lakewood University to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

At its discretion, Lakewood University may provide Directory Information in accordance with the provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act. Directory Information is defined as that information which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Students may withhold Directory Information by notifying the Registrar in writing; please note that such withholding requests are binding for all information to all parties other than for those exceptions allowed under the Act.